Sunday, 24 June 2012

Amour, Espoir, Émeute

In a world so full, le moindre espace vide makes for the most terrifying of  visions.  Contrairement, dans un univers vide, all shapes appear as visionary miracles.

Spot the mirage of an island and begin your approach.  Quand vous vous y rendrez, exploitez sa surface entièrement et sans pitié.  Vous batirez et vous consommerez until the land has turned to an alien dreamscape.

Vous signifierez le changement.  You will introduce ownership and change.  Vous chavirerez l'équilibre de l'établissement naturel with structures and calculations.

D'encore plus loin you will have created mountains for the eagles and clearings for the bears.  You will create love, hope and riots.

Nous voulons que la liberté, après tout.


Photos by John Gallego



John Gallego
 - Photos from "Perceptions and Digital"

Death Proof by Quentin Tarantino

Sunday, 17 June 2012

A Dancer and Her Frog

Gathered around the tables covered in wonderful foods and drinks, the delicious guests joined hands and heads for some mystery and composition.


Once upon a time a dancer wanted new red shoes
but decided to go to the forest instead.
C'est alors qu'elle rencontra deux fées ailées.
They took her to a mystical fairyland.
She laughed with glee and thanked them smiling.
She was so happy to have received a frog to play with!

The frog and she did everything together.
They sleep and bath together.  The sensual way they lather each other makes the donkey jealous.  But it was true love.
So we took it to the pool
and drowned it and beheaded it.
But it was still alive for a few seconds and had time to say these last words:
"Table, doorknob and peel."


written with

Aurélie - La Belle Pluie
Bash - My Melancholy Poetry Gallery



Frog by Martin Kippenberger


A Dangerous Method by David Cronenberg